Designed to provide a comprehensive and authoritative enablement of Generative, and eventually, General AI.
To keep up with the pace of change Managen.AI is designed to use Gen()AI to include new and important information.
Includes references and discussions on how to best use Gen()AI.
Integrates impactful and poineering research and engineering to help you work best.
Designed to enable the open-source community and give-back to projects that enable Gen()AI.
With time, Managen.AI will provide the basis to manage the complexity Gen()AI for people at all levels.
The reality that General and Generative AI will bring massive change to our world is inevitable. What happens when Generative AI becomes General AI? How will we ensure it is understandable and aligned with our values?
Learn moreWith the acceleration of AI research and development, it is becoming harder and harder to stay current. Managen.AI aims to help you and your colleagues understand the latest developments.
Designed with the potential to be self-adaptive and self-improving, Managen.AI will help us to understand and manage the future of AI.
Learn moreWe need you. Your experience in writing better documentation, coding back ends or front ends, and any experience you have with Generative AI -- all will help more to Manage the future complexity of Gen()AI.
Together, we can build AI that works for